in Updates & Downdates

KC LC comes again The return of KC LC GMC admin KC LC has returned tangibleLime noticed a few mods were added on the GMC before an official announcement could be made. The announcement should bring more details about it all. This was probably brought about by the recent increase in spam on the GMC. Most everyone would probably agree that the mods are currently overloaded with too much work. Let me get down to the meat of all this, the last global admin KC LC is returning. The new mods are:
  • Ablach Blackrat
  • grashaboras
  • Shaltif
  • t3mp3s
  • ThatGamesGuy
  • zircon
  • KC LC (although her status is retired staff)
  GMC Jam #2 results GMC Jam winner Here are the results of the GMC JAM
  1. 1st: Boom Chk Chk Bang
  2. 2nd: Diagnosis
  3. 3rd: Psycho Powers
  4. 4th: Ocean Insane, Oh No
  5. 6th: Quaintbrush
  6. 7th: Flipswitch Squares, A Tiny Sin
  7. 9th: A Beautiful Nightmare Livid
  8. 11th: Video Game Addict
  9. 12th: Click It
  10. 13th: Pancakes Revenge, EPI, Waiting in Line
  11. 16th: Road to Insanity
  12. 17th: The Offroad Asylum, Pats Greatest Adventure, Asylum, Dont Mind, IOICMMOATWBSME, Dillusion, Incongruity, Creeping Insanity, Uggs Journey Home
  13. 26th: Wry Little Pillface
  14. 27th: 40 Marbles
Unofficial GMC Chat An IRC GMC chat channel on Mibbet has been made. You won’t find much discussion if any about Game Maker. It’s pretty much like any other chat. It seems to be pretty active right now, but will eventually die down.

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