Hot Air Balloon

a hot Air Balloon a hot Air Balloon The other day I was in an art gallery, and I realized that something artists will do to help compose an image is to control the amount of detail they add to different parts of an image. This picture is a great example of reducing detail in an image. I whited out the mountain on the left because I thought the effect of a white sunburst produced a better composition. I used a bilateral filter on the foreground to destroy detail while keeping preserving the contours of the branches.

Snowy Spring

Flowers and Snow Flowers and Snow The square format of this picture really helps position the snow mound and the flower along intersections on the rule of thirds. I like the way a spring flower is contrasted with a winter snow mound.

Clouds and a Tree

A tree at sunrise clouds at a winter sunrise I love the way the picture draws your eyes to the magnificent clouds on the top. This is from the vibrant colors and brighter on the top vs the duller colors and values on the bottom. The blue and orange colors create a nice color theme. When you take a picture think of how it will look when your done editing. Originally the clouds in this picture were a muddled blue-gray, and the mountains and houses were dark and difficult to make out.

Out of the Snow

tulip in snow tulip in snow I took this picture on a snowy spring day along with this pic. I like the way the snow matches the tulip in the way the shadows both have a lot of green in them.

Light bulb Trails

Colored light shoots out of a light bulb Colored light shoots out of a light bulb So one day I read that the shape of your aperture determines the shape of your bokeh, so I set out to explore this further. I cut out a bunch of cardboard circles, cut different shapes into these circles, and stuck these circles in my lens. Sure enough, the bokeh matched the shape of the hole, however, what I found to be interesting was to play around with a pin-hole cut into the cardboard, mimicking the effect of a pin-hole camera. It must also be noted that because I’m not the best at cutting out circles there was some light leaking in from the edges of the cardboard. This is one of the pictures I took with this “pin-hole” camera.

Looking Out

looking out at the crowd looking out at the crowd As I often do, I messed with the foreground-background relationship. I applied a focus blur to the background, and brightened it up. I would like to talk about the way this picture was sharpened. It’s quite interesting. When blurring the image, instead of obtaining the high frequencies by applying a gaussian blur, I used a bilateral filter.

Looking Up

Looking through the crowd
Looking through the crowd

final version

The colors in this picture distracts the viewer from the main subject, and doesn’t add any value to the picture so I converted it to black and white. Notice how you can see the eyes of the person in the bottom left. A great way to make a person fade into the background is to remove their eyes, either by cropping them out or by placing an object in front of them. Here I wanted to crop in a bit more than that to remove the people in the top left and focus on the subject, and the people surrounding him. I used RawTherapee’s HSV tool to modify the brightness of different colors to try to make the background people’s shirts uniform with the background. The most important part of this image has to be the childish feeling it portrays by putting everyone else aside and focusing on one child.